Abode Projects can on your behalf produce a land appraisal to identify the opportunities, and constraints of any land proposal outiined for residential. The appraisal will bring together a framework of information, producing a draft masterplan for your project. A supporting design code, using urban design principles can be produced to help deliver high quality environments. The masterplan is a supporting tool, to aid the promotion of land to be tabled either through repesentation or as part of a planning application. The appraisal identify dwelling coverage, density, building height, mixed use, public open space and movement connections. Abode Projects can then use this information to provide supporting drawings for either an outline or reserved matters planning application, with detailed site layout, planning elevations, floor plans, street scenes, site sections and a supporting design and access statement.
At outline planning, the masterplan as prepared by Abode Projects Ltd as a high level plan detailing the principles of site boundary, access, retained edges, location of sustainable Urban Drainage, and building perimeter. The Masterplan can be used to inform and shape a piece of land into a detailed design with acsupporting code if required, to guide the designs for any future reserved matters application. Abode Projects has the capacity to provide supporting architectural planning elevations, floor layouts, material finishes, bespoke design detailing, boundary treament details, and production of site layouts as a drawing package for a reserved matters application. Abode Projects can coordinate with Engineering, Ecology, and Landscaping consultants as required, to fulfill the requirements of a valid application.
The company draws upon 20 years of experience within the built environment, to fulfill the needs of your project. Promoting collaboration with other parties such as planning consultants, and land agents to enable the successful promotion and approval of your land opportunity.
Each piece of land is unique in location, and context. It is Abode Projects task to take account of all of the aspirations of both the land agent, and the stakeholders, giving due consideration to the planning policy requirements both locally and nationally to secure an approved masterplan and planning application.
The Framework by Abode Projects will form an analysis to identify the potential for access points, possible densities, connections, spatial placement of dwellings, build heights looking at the potential for bungalows or aparments, all the necessary factors to achieve a sustainable housing layout for the future. The proposed retention of natural features such as hedges, trees, ditches and ponds is given a priority in all proposed layout designs, including the opportunity for new planting and enhancement within the scheme. The survey and analysis will identify the viability for the development of land for any residential use, especially if the land is not already identified within the Local Plan for development. A masterplan as a supporting drawing for written representations can be produced, with red outlined site location plans, and an opportunities and constraints plan.
Establishing points within a scheme where there is the opportunity of introducing Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS): landscaped balancing ponds, swales (ditches) to create green corridors within a scheme. Identifying sustaninable travel links (bus routes) within walking distances, Reducing dependancy on the car.
The Draft Masterplan provides a coordinated forward concept vision for the proposed development of the land. it helps to define the specifics of the land for example the retention of existing public footpaths and how these can be incorporated into the scheme with a priority given to the pedestrian creating a Masterplan that incoporates the policies and aspirations of the local authority, and the community.
The detailed site layout planning drawings as prepared by Abode Projects will detail roof configurations, and ground floor layouts. The residential layouts can use a portfolio of your own house types, or utilise the expertise of Abode Projects to produce house types specific to your scheme.
The coloured illustrations, masterplan and details of any compliance to code and character areas will form part of the Design and Access Statement prepared by the owner of Abode Projects Ltd, based in East Anglia.
Concept visualisation helps others understand the sense of space, and scale of development, as a street scene and can be produced by Abode Projects Ltd.
For any inquiries, please email the following with your name, contact details, and project description. Email: In the current climate holding a teams for zoom meeting can be arranged, or just phone.
Office Address: Abode Projects Ltd, 1 Burrells Orchard, Westley, Suffolk. IP33 3TH
The contents, and logo of this site is the © of Abode Projects Ltd. Updated 2021