
Abode Projects provides urban design services to land agents, developers and clients, looking to facilitate residentail or mixed uses upon land options. To submit these options for planning approval. Abode Projects will be more than happy to help you realise your aspirations preparing residential testing layout(s), masterplan or design and architectural drawings to support a planning application, and coordinate and submit your planning application as and when required.

Abode Projects is based in East Anglia, and has extensive knowledge having worked upon projects liasing with many local authorities, in and outside of East Anglia.

The most recent project by Abode Projects for the client Tayor Wimpey has been the design of Phase 2C at Northfield View, Stowmarket. Working with Chilton Leys design document, Abode Projects has assisted the design lead to produce the design and architectural package for 234 dwellings, ready for submission. The application obtained approved in May 2022.

Residential Site Layout for Northfield View, detailed by Abode Projects.


Northfield View Parcel 2b at Stowmarket. Reserved Matters application prepared by Abode Projects, on behalf of Taylor Wimpey East Anglia. Preparing supporting planning floor plans, and elevations, design and access statement, street scenes, materials plan, and coloured layout.

Approval granted March 2021

Residential Site Layout for Northfield View, detailed by Abode Projects.

The Former Hospital at Severalls included a consortium of 3 developers, each allocated 3 parcels of the site wide total of 730 dwellings. Whilst working on behalf of Bloor Homes Eastern, responsible for bringing forward the discharge of conditions for Parcels E, D2 and C, and detailing design details for parcel E and D2, with material finishes. Liasing with Colchester Borough Council, and the Parish members of Myland Community Council to bring forward the Art Provision. On behalf of the consortium, bring foward the discharge of the infrastructure landscaping, to be delivered by the developers.

Planning approved for Former Severalls Hospital

The Former Rowhedge Wharf required a re-design of plots 109-113 and plots 129-133, removing the approved contemporary detailing replacing this with a traditional style that met the aspirations of Colchester Borough Council. The housing fronts onto the existing estuary, and presents as a dominant frontage to existing housing opposite the estuary. Following the rejection of the first tabled designs, a second proposal was put foward with bespoke designs, and a bespoke focal building. Approval was obtained for details, finishes, and designs whilst working on behalf of Bloor Homes.

Planning approved for Rowhedge

Sible Hedingham Liaise with Braintree District Council to bring forward the approval of the Open Space, and Management Strategy, and the delivery of the Art Provision, as per the S106 Agreement. The Art provision included bespoke benches for the Pocket Park, and a lit center piece known as the 'Chimney' organised by the parish council, designed railings with a corn design, and Way Markers detailing the historical context of Sible Hedingham, made by the artist Tim Ward, of Circling the Square.

Planning approved for sible Hedingham

Sandy Appraisal prepared by Abode Projects on behalf of Pigeon Investment, to produce opportunity and constraints plan, with a draft masterplan detailing mixed use.

Planning approved for sible Hedingham

Stevenage Abode Projects was instructed by Pigeon Investments to produce an appraisal of opportunities and constraints off Gresley Way to present a framework of plans, green corridors, SWALES, building heights, movement, building form with mixed use, and potential coverage / market mix to enable the site to be represented within the Consultation of the local plan 2017 (EOS1) Gresley Park EHDC for 600 Dwellings.

Planning approved for Stevenage

Whitwell Abode Projects was instructed to produce an appraisal of opportunities and constraints to present a framework of plans, building heights, movement, building form, and market mix to enable the application site to be promoted for Whitwell.

Planning approved for sible Hedingham

Royston Abode Projects was instructed by Pigeon Developments to produce an appraisal of opportunities and constraints, identifying access, building form, drainage, and dwelling coverage. This was presented as a masterplan to enable the site promotion through the emerging local plan.

Planning approved for sible Hedingham

Due to the sensitive nature of appraisals often being produced prior to any land exchanges, not all representations produced by Abode Projects can be displayed.


The contents and logo of this site is the © of Abode Projects Ltd. Updated 2021